Understanding The Sleep Promoting Benefits of CBD

Do you have trouble sleeping? Do you fall asleep easily but wake up multiple times and have a hard time falling back to sleep? Don’t worry; you are not the only one experiencing sleeping problems. Many like you fail to sleep the recommended hours (7-9 hours), and one-third of Americans sleep less than 6 hours per night. However, there are several ways to improve your sleeping ritual. Full Spectrum CBD Oil may help treat anxiety, chronic pain, acne, etc. and is also believed to induce sleep. But before we come to any conclusion, let’s get started with the introduction of cannabis.

What Is CBD?

The cannabis plant has hundreds of compounds, many of which have therapeutic benefits. The cannabis compounds that captured the most scientific interest are – “cannabinoids.” Cannabinoids like CBD are used to treat various conditions and symptoms. CBD is available in supplement form and is legal in most countries. The best part about CBD is that it is a non-psychoactive compound that doesn’t alter your cognitive state like THC. It helps you relax and doesn’t produce effects that lead to the potential dependency of risk of abuse. CBD oil for anxiety and depression is quite popular, but there are a few facts and information regarding the use of CBD oil for sleep promotion.

In this blog, we will discuss the sleep-inducing benefits of CBD. Also, we will explore different behavioral strategies that promote better sleep.   

How Can CBD Help With Sleep Disorders?

The research on the effects of CBD on sleep disorders is in the preliminary phase, but those who use CBD to relieve chronic pain claim that CBD also helps them sleep better. Though the initial studies of CBD and sleep issues showed positive outcomes; however, not everyone experiences the same sleep benefits. Different people might need different doses of CBD to produce desired sleeping effects. In some people, low doses of CBD are stimulating, while the high doses are sedating. Differences in people’s experience can also be attributed to the CBD administration method and dose.   Therefore it is recommended that before you buy CBD products for inducing sleep or resolving sleep disorders, you first consult with a health expert. 

CBD & Anxiety

Anxiety is not a sleep disorder, but it can contribute to insufficient sleep, poor quality sleep, and sleep disorders. Because CBD oil is commonly used for anxiety, it calms the nervous system; thus, making it an ideal treatment for anxiety-related disorders. The majority of CBD users experienced lower anxiety levels within a month. 65% of these users also mentioned that their sleep improved along with anxiety levels.  

CBD & Insomnia 

Those who suffer from insomnia experience difficulty staying asleep or falling asleep at night. Insomnia affects the ability to concentrate, daytime wakefulness, and mood. Because they cannot sleep properly during the night, people with insomnia may suffer from anxiety, increasing sleeplessness at night. Considering the potential positive outcomes of CBD treating anxiety, it is speculated that CBD may also help in reducing anxiety and sleeplessness associated with insomnia.

CBD & REM Sleep Behavior Disorder

In REM sleep behavior disorder, patients make aggressive movements. They can also verbalize during their rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep. This disorder is common in older patients with neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. In a study with patients with Parkinson’s disease, CBD has been found to manage the REM sleep behavior disorder symptoms. Before CBD consumption, patients used to experience symptoms 2-7 times per week. After taking CBD, they experienced symptoms 0-1 time a week. Though the research continues, the initial results suggest that CBD is a possible treatment for REM Sleep Behavior Disorder.

CBD & Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Disorder

Individuals with excessive daytime sleepiness disorder struggle to stay awake during the daytime hours. CBD can be the solution to help such individuals to wake up on time and stay awake. Studies on animals show that CBD functions as a wake-inducing drug; however, other studies suggest it as a sedating drug. Further research is going on to determine what doses and methods of CBD use affect sleepiness and wakefulness.

You may use CBD with certain herbs or supplements together to help you promote your sleep. Before using any CBD product, please consult your doctor.

Fix Your Sleep Schedules 

Apart from considering CBD for better sleep, it would help if you change your sleeping schedule to get a good night’s rest. Given below are some steps to improve this:

Set You Time To Go To Be And Get Up In The Morning: It’s necessary to get up and go to bed in time, even on the weekends. Doing this helps you anchor your time to being awake and asleep in your circadian rhythm. It will also help you fall asleep and wake up more easily.

Turn Your Devices Off: When the time to sleep gets close, your body starts secreting melatonin. If you continue using your devices, the blue light might affect the calming benefits of melatonin. That’s why turn off all your devices before you intend on going to sleep.

Avoid Caffeine Late In The Afternoon:  When you feel tired, you try to consume something with caffeine in it. Make sure you don’t consume it late as it will likely interfere with your ability to get a good night’s rest.