CBDv Binds Directly to Pain Receptors: How CBDv Differs from CBD and CBG with Pain Relief

Have you ever wondered if you might be using the wrong cannabinoid to help with your pain? Read on to learn how CBDv (cannabidivarin) might be good for pain relief and how it contrasts with CBD’s potential.

CBD (cannabidiol), CBG (cannabigerol), and CBDv (cannabidivarin) are all popular cannabinoids for helping alleviate pain. Each cannabinoid works in a slightly different way and therefore may have a different effect on your body. In this newsletter, we’ll take a look at the science behind their differing pain-relieving mechanisms.

CBD: The Orchestrator

Indirect Influence: CBD doesn’t directly bind to most pain receptors. Instead, it seems to work as a modulator, influencing the activity of other cannabinoids and neurotransmitters within the endocannabinoid system (ECS). 

The endocannabinoid system is a signaling network in your body that is responsible for maintaining homeostasis (balance) among the body’s various processes. This includes management of pain and inflammation.

Multiple Pathways: CBD might target various pain pathways through its interaction with the ECS. It might:

  • Increase levels of natural endocannabinoids like anandamide, which dampen pain signals.
  • Inhibit the activity of enzymes that break down these natural endocannabinoids, allowing them to linger and exert their pain-relieving effects for longer.
  • Interact with other receptors like serotonin receptors, potentially influencing mood and pain perception indirectly.

CBG: The Precursor with Potential

It All Starts With CBG: CBG is the precursor molecule from which other cannabinoids like CBD and THC are synthesized by the cannabis plant. In other words, all cannabinoids start out as CBG until they convert into different forms. While research is limited, some studies suggest CBG has pain-relieving properties. Like CBD, there are different ways it might work.

Possible Mechanisms: Proposed mechanisms for CBG’s pain management include:

  • Binding to TRPV1 receptors: Similar to CBDv, CBG might directly interact with these receptors involved in pain and inflammation. 
  • Inhibiting the reuptake of anandamide: By preventing the breakdown of this natural pain-fighter, CBG might enhance its pain-relieving effects.
  • Modulating other receptors and enzymes: Like CBD, CBG might influence other pathways within the ECS, potentially reducing pain indirectly.

CBDv: The Targeted Warrior

Direct Hit on Pain Signals: CBDv appears to take a targeted approach to relieving pain. Studies suggest it might directly bind to TRPV1 receptors, which play a crucial role in pain perception and inflammation. As quoted in this 2019 study published in Translational Psychiatry, “CBDv is thought to activate and rapidly desensitize these receptors”.

Binding to TRP receptors: Research suggests that CBDV binds to several members of the TRP receptor family. Binding directly to TRP receptors can offer a range of potential benefits beyond just pain relief. Here’s a breakdown of some additional ways it might contribute to overall well-being:

  • Inflammation Reduction: TRP receptors play a key role in the body’s inflammatory response. By directly binding to these receptors, cannabinoids like CBDv might help reduce inflammation. 
  • Improved Gut Health: The gut contains a large population of TRP receptors. Some studies suggest that activating these receptors with specific compounds might promote gut motility (movement of food through the digestive system) and influence the composition of gut bacteria, potentially leading to improved gut health.
  • Nausea and Vomiting Relief: Certain TRP receptors are involved in the nausea and vomiting reflex. By blocking or modulating these receptors, cannabinoids might offer relief from nausea and vomiting caused by various conditions, including chemotherapy or motion sickness.
  • Seizure Reduction: Some TRP channels are involved in regulating neuronal excitability in the brain. When these channels malfunction or become overstimulated, they can contribute to hyperexcitability and potentially trigger seizures, a hallmark of epilepsy. CBDv may help calm overstimulated TRP channels.
  • Autism: By calming overstimulated TRP channels, CBDv might also help alleviate symptoms of Autism, which are often triggered by overstimulation or sensory overload. 

Why Does This Matter?

Understanding these distinct mechanisms offers several advantages:

Personalized Pain Management: Knowing how these cannabinoids work differently allows for a more personalized approach to pain management. Someone struggling with nerve pain might benefit from CBDv’s direct action on TRPV1 receptors, while someone with headaches linked to inflammation might respond better to CBD’s influence on the ECS or CBG’s multifaceted approach.

Combination Therapy: Since these cannabinoids work through different pathways, combining them might offer a synergistic effect, potentially leading to more effective pain relief than using a single cannabinoid alone.

If you want to try CBDv for yourself, check out FlowerChild’s CBDv 1400mg and CBDv 3000mg!