
Kelly McLoughlin Certified Hypnotherapist

Kelly has been helping people overcome addiction issues and limiting beliefs for the past 11 years, having graduated from the Hypnotherapy Academy of America in Santa Fe, NM. “I have seen so many profound miracles happen and lives changed through the simple art of hypnosis. It  truly is amazing what a person can overcome and achieve when they recognize the limiting beliefs they have in their subconscious. I absolutely love those “ah ha” moments!”

Kelly is also the owner of FlowerChild.

What is Hypnotherapy?

Hypnosis is a state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and deep relaxation. It is often induced by a hypnotherapist using verbal cues and mental imagery. In this state, individuals are more open to suggestions, and their subconscious mind becomes more accessible. Despite common misconceptions, hypnosis is not a form of mind control, and individuals under hypnosis cannot be made to do anything against their will.

Hypnosis is often used for therapeutic purposes and is known as hypnotherapy. In a therapeutic setting, hypnosis can be used to help individuals manage pain, reduce stress and anxiety, overcome phobias, and address various behavioral issues such as smoking or weight loss.

The process of hypnosis typically involves relaxation techniques to calm the conscious mind, followed by suggestions provided by the hypnotherapist. The goal is to tap into the subconscious mind to create positive changes or address specific concerns. It’s important to note that not everyone is equally susceptible to hypnosis, and the effectiveness of hypnotherapy can vary from person to person. Additionally, individuals under hypnosis are still aware of their surroundings and can choose to reject or accept suggestions.

How Does Hypnosis Work?

How hypnosis works isn’t completely understood. However, it’s commonly believed that in the deep state of focus and relaxation that’s achieved with hypnosis:

  • Your conscious mind is quieted.
  • You’re able to tap into the part of your brain where your thoughts, beliefs, perceptions, sensations, emotions, memory and behaviors originate.
  • In this state, you’re more open to gentle guidance from your hypnotherapist to help you modify or replace the unconscious thoughts that are driving your current behavior.

What Are Some Myths About Hypnosis?

There are several myths and misconceptions surrounding hypnosis, often perpetuated by popular media and entertainment. Here are some common myths about hypnosis:

1. Mind Control: One of the most widespread myths is that hypnosis involves mind control, where the hypnotist can make the subject do anything against their will. In reality, individuals under hypnosis cannot be forced to do things that go against their ethical or moral beliefs.

2. Loss of Consciousness: Another misconception is that people under hypnosis are unconscious or asleep. In fact, individuals in a hypnotic state are in a heightened state of awareness and concentration. They are fully aware of their surroundings and can hear and respond to suggestions.

3. Vulnerability to False Memories: Some people believe that hypnosis can lead to the creation of false memories or the manipulation of a person’s recollection of events. While it is true that memories can be influenced, reputable hypnotherapists take precautions to avoid suggestion that might lead to false memories.

4. Only Gullible People Can Be Hypnotized: Hypnosis is not about being gullible or easily influenced. While some individuals may be more naturally responsive to hypnotic suggestions, the ability to enter a hypnotic state varies from person to person, and many people can be hypnotized to some degree.

5. Clucking Like a Chicken: This myth, often perpetuated in stage hypnosis shows, suggests that people under hypnosis can be made to do silly or embarrassing things. In reality, people will not do anything under hypnosis that goes against their values or beliefs.

6. Permanent Mind-Altering Effects: Hypnosis is not a magical process that permanently alters a person’s mind or personality. Changes that occur during hypnosis are typically temporary and require reinforcement for long-term effectiveness.

7. Limited Applicability: Some believe that hypnosis is only useful for certain issues, such as quitting smoking or losing weight. In reality, hypnosis has been used to address a wide range of conditions, including anxiety, stress, pain management, and even certain medical procedures.

It’s important to approach hypnosis with an understanding of its real capabilities and limitations, and to seek the guidance of trained and qualified professionals if considering hypnotherapy for therapeutic purposes.What conditions is hypnosis helpful in treating?

Hypnotherapy may help treat any number of medical conditions in which psychological factors influence physical symptoms.

Common Mental Health Uses Include:

  • Stress and anxiety, especially before medical or dental procedures;
  • panic attacks;
  • post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD).
  • Phobias.
  • Behavior control issues, including giving up smoking, losing weight and enuresis (bedwetting).

Common Medical Uses Include:

  • Insomnia.
  • Asthma.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  • Pain control, including after surgery, childbirth, cancer, fibromyalgia, burns and headaches (migraine and tension).
  • Skin conditions, including warts and psoriasis.
  • Side effects of cancer chemotherapy or radiation treatment, including nausea and vomiting.
  • Hypnosis continues to be explored for use in these and many other medical conditions.

Is Hypnosis Used as the Sole Treatment?

Hypnosis is usually used along with other therapies and treatments, as part of a complete total treatment plan. The decision to use hypnotherapy in a clinical setting as a sole treatment or as an add-on treatment in psychotherapy or traditional medicine is made in consultation with a qualified professional who’s trained in the use and limitations of hypnotherapy.

What’s the Typical Length of Treatment with Hypnotherapy?

There’s no typical length. Treatment varies depending on what and how severe the issue is. Hypnotherapy may take many sessions.

Does Hypnotherapy Work?

Despite its use since the 1700s, hypnotherapy continues to have skeptics in the medical community. However, it’s becoming a more accepted and recognized form of therapy. The number of certified and licensed medical professionals incorporating hypnotherapy in their practice is increasing.

Can Anyone be Hypnotized

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of hypnotherapy can depend on factors such as the individual’s openness to the process, the skill and experience of the hypnotherapist, and the specific nature of the issue being addressed. Additionally, while hypnotherapy can be a valuable complementary approach, it is not a replacement for medical or psychological treatment when needed.


Please contact us to book a session or for more information.

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