CBD 350 / Pet 350 /PM 350
view nowCBD 700 / Pet 700 / Therapy 700 / PM 700
view nowCBD 1400
view nowCBG 350
view nowCBG 700
view nowCBG 1400
view nowCBD/CBG-Blend 700/Pet Blend 700
view nowCBD/CBG Blend 1400
view nowCBD/CBG Blend 3000
view nowSweet Dreams 1800 CBN Sleep
view nowCBDV 1400
view nowCBDV 3000
view nowCBDA 1400
view nowTea
Hemp Tea
view nowSmokeables
Raw CBD Flower, “Lifter”
view nowExtract/FECO
These extracts are used to make the rest of our products, therefore they undergo more extensive testing than individual products. This testing includes potency, heavy metals, residual solvents, and pesticides.
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